Wednesday, March 12, 2008

blustery hump day

Well, hump day for those that aren't working straight through to November...

The temperature and wind chill really took a dive today. It was about -66F with 14+ knot winds, which dropped the wind chill down to about -106F. Granted one doesn't go out with much skin exposed, but that moving air finds all the little bits like your nose inside your balaclava and your skin inside your goggles. Those vents just let that frigid air come right in and super-cool your face. The visibility was pretty minimal, too. You could just barely make out ARO from the elevated station, and vice versa.

The 300 workout group continues to grow, but we had some guys not participate today for whatever-lame-reason. I'm up to doing 24 of the 30 reps for each exercise, save the pull-ups. I've plateaued at 13 of those for the last couple days. We even had our first female participant this evening, which certainly wouldn't have occurred in the agoge in classical Sparta, but I heard no complaints from the guys. It's fun to see how folks are embracing this workout, despite its outwardly nerdy origins; and to think that I was the instigator... It reminds me of how many guys from my scholarship hall started coming to tae kwon do after I'd been doing it for a while as an undergrad.

There seem to be more and more recreational offerings, and I think this weekend will be pretty packed. I'm helping get a "magic movie night" set up for the drive-in in the gym. We're going to watch both "The Illusionist" and "The Prestige". Hopefully folks will turn out for both of these brilliant articles of cinematic prestidigitation. I've got a couple books of magic tricks, so maybe I can throw something simple together for the intermission. We'll see.


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