Well, I managed to excavate and uninstall a little data recorder from a buried GPS system out in the ice today. I didn't have the moon, but there was an aurora directly overhead that helped illuminate the scene a bit. We really took our 24-hour illumination for granted this summer. It makes it so much easier when you don't have to rely upon headlamps that have power cables freezing stiff and don't have to worry about light pollution protocols so you don't mess up your other
Re-Tardis is really stepping up the practices, and our sound is really getting locked in for the mid-winter's party. Last night we added Dead Flowers by The Rolling Stones to our set list.
I've been watching "The Flight of the Conchords", and have really been enjoying them just as much as the last time I saw them back home. It's a quality show.
I'm da Boom King!
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