Saturday, November 22, 2008

rainy day in Sydney

Well, today we have some pretty hard rain here in Sydney, so I'm taking care o' business under shelter for the time being. My flight was fine yesterday, and I spent the day wandering around town, mostly around Darling Harbour. I also finally got to see "The Dark Knight", which was groovy. Not only did I finally get to see it, but it was on an IMAX screen, no less. Town was hopping last night with all the hipsters and clubbers flouncing about in their dresses and remarkably effeminate menswear. I so drastically don't fit into that scene, whatsoever!

Anyhow, I plan to go out and see the opera house and the Bay Bridge today if the rain relents. Signing off from Sydney...


calee said...

I will keep your folder open- surely you will have more EIAI photos to add to it...

The Frozen Desert said...

Hello Calee!

Yo E-Dog: You seem to creep into a lot of conversations I have in The Real World. Make the most of your time in the Outback and elsewhere. Before long you'll have to awaken from the dream and join the rest of us in The Mundane...LOL! (Sorry to bust your buzz.)