The weeks keep flying by, and it's going to be mid-winter (mid-summer for you boreal folks) before too long. That's OK with me! Work continues to present a plethora of activities to keep me busy. It would be nice if fewer of those activities involved dealing with balky or recalcitrant technology.
Last weekend's showing of Kill Bill included a short film of the chop-socky genre. I took part, though since I had to work I was one of the first killed. I had the best hair, though.
Shyness has a strange element of narcissism, a belief that how we look, how we perform, is truly important to other people.
~André Dubus
Best photo EVER! You look especially Fierce. How is your Drunken Master Kung Fu?
Will try for a version of 100 club this summer. When it gets (or if) to 100 in Palo Alto, I'll go over to the office and take a quick step into the 0-C reefer with my buddies. Should be fun.
Can't find a reefer here in ABQ to use. The folks at Sandia won't let me in. Not very sporting.
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