Last night I got stuck in the same obsessive arts and crafts mode I started slipping into late in the winter of 2008. I spent about 3 hours making a single prop for that SPIFF (South Pole International Film Festival) entry I'm involved with this summer. It was an enjoyable way to spend the evening, but I just wish I would have gotten the fit right, since the hat I made seems to dig into my forehead rather painfully when I pull it on firmly. But, when there isn't a haberdasher on the entire continent...
Redeployment meetings have started to be scheduled, so though the end isn't actually immediately pending for the summer, lots of folks will start to manifest Short-Timer's Syndrome, which will be mildly annoying to observe. I reckon the next few weeks until mid-February will simply fly by in a blur of grantee visits, DVs on vacation, fire brigade training, and the usual activities I have to do to support my smorgasbord of science projects. I'm sure it will get tiring at times, but the more sane pace of winter is not all that far away.
"To know a thing well, know its limits. Only when pushed beyond its tolerances will true nature be seen."
~The Amtal Rule, "Chapter House: Dune"
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