Last night I finally broke down and watched a movie, "Casino Royale", the latest James Bond flick with some friends. I have been opting for other forms of entertainment besides movie watching, since so many winter-overs said they were sick of watching movies after nine months of doing too much of that. I also have my Russian lessons to work through, a gym and weight room to utilize, and plenty of books, so I don't anticipate tiring of movies anytime soon.
Two nights ago the fire brigade took a tour of the IceCube Drilling Camp and Lab. This is a huge project down here installing arrays of sensors that detect the radiation emitted when neutrinos collide with ice atom nuclei. They have about three more seasons of drilling to install the rest of the sensors. Their lab, shown below, lends at least aesthetic credence to my belief that being down here is good experience for somebody that wants to work in the manned space flight business. It looks a bit other-worldly...
The big columns off to each side of the lab are where the cables from the detector array enter the structure.
Next week we have some Distinguished Visitors from the National Science Board coming to Pole. One of them, Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, was the first U.S. female astronaut to perform a space walk. It'd be nice if I get a chance to mention I'm an aspiring astronaut. I don't know what interaction, if any, I'll have with the DV groups, but my Research Associate job description includes giving facilities tours.
Hi Ethan Here are two fire and incident training resources that I
use, of maryland) and Both have specific modules with instructor guides. Including the new National Incident Management Training Plan.Let me know what you need if bandwidth is a problem and I will send what you want on cd.
Good Luck with building your team.
Thanks for the recommendation on training materials. I've been reading a lot of the drills on, but hadn't come across the MFRI site yet. At fire school in Colorado we had some exposure to NIMS, but actually have our own Incident Command System tailored to our staff/departments here at Pole during the summer and winter seasons. For the time being I think we've got plenty of materials to work on, but if I should need something later on I'll contact you. Thanks much for the offer and taking the time to read my little blog here. Ethan
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