I don’t have many exotic environs to share here, but I will
try to find things of visual interest.
One of these is, I think, our simulator for the robotic workstations on
the ISS. This is in our simulation
facility that is referred to as Sim City, and is used to give people a chance
to use the two hand controllers (translational and rotational) and digital
displays that would be available for crewmembers on ISS to perform robotic
work, including the capture of the visiting vehicles that my group supports
flights. I got to grab the
Japanese HTV back before the holiday break, which was a fun little escape from
searching documents and taking notes.
Bill, wherever in the world you are, good luck and I’m
definitely happy you’re setting off on this bucket list assault of a journey. Bon voyage!
“To those bred under an elaborate social order few such moments of exhilaration can come as that which stands at the threshold of wild travel.”~Gertrude Bell, “The Desert and the Sown”